COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All original artwork on this website by Virginia Vaughn - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Artwork may not be copied, duplicated, revised, or transferred into other medium.
2003-2020 Copyright - All Rights Reserved - Globe Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Virginia Vaughn Art Studio, Family History, Philomath, Georgia,
Needlework by Nelda Vaughn, Globe - The House, Favorite Recipes.
Nelda Vaughn

*For clarity, it should be noted that Philomath was originally called Woodstock. Name had to be changed
in mid-1840s when a post office was approved though locals continued calling it Woodstock and this is
still the Woodstock District of the county. It should also be noted that throughout these writings about
families, I will use abbreviations and often identify individuals by initials as writing of multiple people
with same first name is confusing and repetitive use of full names becomes cumbersome. EX: Robert
Cunningham Daniel may sometimes be RCD. Links to documents or other sites provided at the end.
William Thomas Daniel (WTD), son of Robert C. Daniel (RCD) and Emily G. Milner Daniel (EGMD), was
born November 9, 1837, in Philomath, GA. He was married January 11, 1859, to Letitia Margaret Branch,
daughter of John Calvin & Sarah W. Branch of Greene County. William died January 1, 1867 (killed) –
Family Bible says he was aged 30 years, 1 month, & 22 days; but the calculation of his age as listed in the
Bible is off by one year – perhaps subtracting 1837 from 1867 (the new year) when he had just had his
29th birthday in November 1866. Some of the sites on internet have the year of his death listed as 1868
or 1869. However, the application for Letters of Administration [Probate, Letters of Administration 1856-1901, pg 144]
as well as other documents regarding his estate and the court case for his death begin in 1867; so the
1868 and 1869 years for his death would not be possible. William is buried in the Daniel Family
Cemetery. The 1910 census shows Letitia living with her daughter and son-in-law, John R. & Willie Tilley,
in Atlanta. Letitia died August 24, 1912, and is buried in Westview Cemetery, Atlanta, Fulton County, GA.
In the 1860 census for Philomath, William is listed as a teacher, 22 years old, personal value at $3,000;
Letitia is listed as 20 years old. William and Letitia had 2 children: Edwin Clinton Daniel and Wilhelmina
(Willie) Daniel.
In addition to being a teacher, William had a partnership for a blacksmith shop with John Gresham
(freedman). In the settlement of his estate, accounts of the shop were examined by H Cobb Davis, James
V Drake, W L Nichols, and M P Briscoe who certified January 17, 1868, to an equal distribution between
William T. Daniel decd and John Gresham (freedman). Report was filed March 2 and recorded April 15,
1868. [AR Book R, pgs 294-296]. At the WTD estate sale, John Gresham paid $100 for one set of blacksmith
tools. (see WTD-LMBD-MISC)
When his father, Robert Cunningham Daniel (RCD), died intestate, William, his brother John, and his
brother-in-law Felix G C Peek were appointed administrators of RCD’s estate. There are multiple entries
in the Annual Return Books Q, R, S, & T for administering his father’s estate including payments for
expenses for RCD’s minor son, Benjamin Franklin Daniel. Entries during this era were not necessarily in
order of event date. William managed the first RCD estate sale January 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 1866. His total
purchases from that sale amounted to $862.42. [E&A-D, pg 112]
Census reports:
1870-There is a Margaret Daniel (Letitia’s middle name), 30, in Penfield, Greene Co, Ga with children
Clinton, 7; Wilhelmina, 5. Is this William’s family following his death?
1880-Lutitia [sic] Daniel, age 35 (?), widow, living with parents John & Sarah Branch in Greene Co, Ga;
Clinton 16; Willie 14.
1910-Letitia Daniel, 67 (?), mother-in-law to head of household, living in Atlanta with John R Tilley (head)
and wife Willie, their sons Julian B & Hubert. Also listed is Broughton Branch, a boarder. Broughton was
Letitia’s mother’s maiden name. (see WTD-LMBD-MISC)
William died without a will. His brother-in-law William H Branch (WHB) and his brother, James C Daniel
(JCD) were appointed administrators of his estate. WHB also was the prosecutor in the case of State vs
James H Glenn (WTD’s cousin) for the murder of William. (see WTD-TRIAL)
On March 4, 1867, Letitia M Daniel applied for 12-month support for herself and two minor children, Edwin
C. and Sarah G. [sic] Daniel. The girl’s name as recorded is different from other documents. I believe the
children were Edwin Clinton Daniel and Wilhelmina (Willie) Daniel as shown in various censuses, but this
document has her name as Sarah G. The 12-month support was granted and the sum of $700 was set
apart as well as a list of furnishings and accessories. [Probate, Minutes 1856-1902, pg 62-63]. (see WTD-LMBD-
On April 16, 1867, James V Drake, Dr. W L Nichols, and John G Wright were sworn in as appraiser and
provided their inventory and appraisements of William’s estate. Sales of WTD’s estate (not land) were
July 11, 1867. [AR, Book R, pg 172-174] (see WTD-LMBD-ESTATE)
On March 22, 1873, Letitia petitioned for settlement of RCD’s estate, that as guaradianess of two minor
heirs of RCD’s son William, is entitled to one distributive share. In that petition, her son is incorrectly listed
as Thomas C. Daniel. [Probate Court, Minutes 1870-1874, Page 254] In Letitia’s March 4, 1867, petition for 12-month
support, her daughter is incorrectly listed as Sarah G. Daniel. [Probate, Minutes 1856-1902, pg 62-63]
Prior to Letitia’s petition, there was a meeting of RCD’s heirs on January 1870 at which there was to be a
settlement of RCD’s land. Except for John, RCD’s heirs purchased most, if not all, the land belonging to
RCD at his death. However, none of the heirs paid for the land at that time. William’s estate purchased a
parcel of land containing 386 acres that included the Robert C. Daniel home place – aka Globe. In final
settlement of his father’s estate, John J Daniel provided an account of heirs as of December 1, 1874.
William’s estate owed $4,100 for land + interest of $1,411.07 accrued from January 3, 1870. His estate
also owed $862.42 for items purchased at the January 1866 estate sale + $538.02 interest accrued from
January 6, 1866. Through a court decree regarding title to land upon payment as shown in Equity &
Appeals, Book D, William’s estate gained title to the 386 acres. This was proved at the November 1875
term of Court in which WHB sought orders to sell the property in order to pay debts of WTD’s estate. The
property was sold at public outcry on court house steps December 21, 1880, to Francis L Upson. This
deed (and subsequent deeds) proves the land William’s estate had purchased contained the home of
Robert C Daniel known as "Globe". [E&A, D, 63-120] (see WTD-ESTATE, see RCD-ESTATE, see DEEDS)
Initials & Abbreviations:
WTD = William Thomas Daniel
LMBD – Letitia Margaret Branch Daniel
RCD = Robert Cunningham Daniel, his father
EGMD = Emily G. Milner Daniel, his mother
WHB = William H Branch
JCD – James Cicero Daniel
E&A = Oglethorpe County, Equity & Appeals, Book D, Pages 63-120 (RCD’s estate)
AR = Oglethorpe County, Annual Returns, Books Q, R, S, & T
William’s Estate and Letitia’s Life after his Death – WTD-ESTATE
The Murder Charge and Trial in the Death of William T. Daniel – WTD-TRIAL
Some Other Documents for William and Letitia Daniel – WTD-LMBD-MISC
Robert C Danel’s Estate – RCD-ESTATE
Robert C Daniel Family Bible - RCD-BIBLE
Deeds – DEEDS
Wills & Letters of Administration – WILLS
William Thomas Daniel and Letitia Margaret Branch
June 2020